5-Day Hidden Tang Bowie Class


5-Day $2500

Our 5-day class is a deep dive into the intricate construction of a bowie or camp knife. Throughout the five days, we’ll explore every aspect, including blade, guard, spacer, and handle construction. You’ll have the flexibility to select between creating a hamon, a simple Damascus, or a San Mai blade.

A $100 non-refundable deposit is required upon registration to secure your spot on our list. This deposit will be applied toward your full tuition.




What is provided?

  • High Carbon Steel for Blade Construction
  • Your Choice of exotic hardwood or synthetic materials for the handle.
  • All the other necessary equipment and supplies to finish your knife.

What you will take Home?

A fully finished knife and a new set of skills that will carry over into life with a great experience.


  • A notebook and pen to keep notes and tips.
  • Students are required to wear safety glasses at all times.
  • Appropriate footwear is required and will be checked at the beginning of the class (full ankle shoes, preferably leather boots, if possible).
  • Students should wear pants.
  • Please bring snacks and any drinks that you may want to keep yourself going!
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